Joining / Supporting
Joining Us
Joining our project and movement means doing something that goes “beyond education” as we know it and truly empowers kids. It is more than adding or changing some things in schools and classrooms. It is accepting a different philosophy on how to raise kids in the 21st century, and acting on that belief by empowering kids to accomplish.
If you are a student,you can start, find, and join a real, world-improving project with Measurable Positive Impact on your world (see the database for inspiration). When you have accomplished one, do more.
If you are a parent you can encourage your child to do such projects. They will likely be more important and meaningful to your kid(s) than school. We will be suggesting alternative places to send your kid., as these places continue to emerge
If you are an educator, you can consider , whether something “beyond education,”–i.e more directly empowering–is right for you. You can search for alternatives, or start your own.
If you are a politician, now is the time to begin going “beyond education” wherever you are. We should talk.
Supporting Us
Supporting The Two Billion Kids project and movement means, first, aligning yourself with its aims, which are not to reform or transform our current education, but to go beyond it.
If you are aligned, then, we welcome your financial support—through the 501(c)(3) Global Future Education Foundation. But even more, we welcome your help in spreading our message of empowering, becoming and accomplishing..
We are always eager to hear about any individuals, groups or organizations going “beyond education” to real empowerment, in any way.